OOOhh LALA...I'm in love...with a nail polish!!! haha I've been using Textured Teal from Avon and I think this color is absolutely FABULOSO!!! The polish is thick so its not runny meaning one coat is enough and thats good news for me cause I'm not so talanted at painting my right hand like some of you out there. But this color is so pretty, it doesnt look so dark in the ads or online but its a really really nice midnight blue and super shiny!!! I got it for $3.49 in campaign 19 ad (one with Reese Witherspoon on the cover) and I'm so glad I did. I like it so much I'm getting another one and adding that Nocturnal one too..its sort of a gray color. I think these two are perfect for Fall and I can't wait to show them off . :) These two polishes have complimentary eye shadow colors named after them that are very very nice too. I have the nocturnal one and the colors are unbelieveable.
I'm really tempted to get the textured teal palette as well. The thing about these shadows I love is that they are buildable so...if you want to wear these for a day time look, that is absolutely possible with out looking like your going clubbing. I'm really liking the purple and green from nocturnal pallete, even use them to set my pencil eyeliners and it adds a pretty pop!! :D Oh yea and for those you out there tired of the shimmer eye...these colors are pretty matte, actually...the lightest ones...the pink andbrown from the Teal pallete are matte and the green and purple have a really nice satin feel to them. Couldn't get a better picture cause my camera battery is dead, but hope you can see them. Till next time :D
If you haven't hear of mark®, I suggest you check it out. This little branch of AVON had some super affordable, modern products that range from makeup to fashion. They even have a great skincare line...which is where my review comes from today, mark's MIST OPPORTUNITY. This is a little multi-tasking refresher for your face. What do you mean by 'multi-tasking' you ask...well...lets just name a few things it does. FIRST, it's a skin refresher and revitalizer that makes your face feel AMAZINGLY soft, you can also use it as a moisturizer for days when you feel like going light on it, and it can be used over makeup to set it...almost like MAC's Fix+...but cheaper. At $8 a pop why not try this baby out. Here's what AVON has to say about it :" If your skin needs a pick-me-up and your makeup needs a touch up then try this all-around skin revitalizer pumped with grapefruit, kiwi and lemongrass extracts that delivers a burst of antioxidant benefits to purify, rejuvenate and replenish skin." I'd recommend this product for those of you who can't pay the $18 for the MAC Fix+. You won't regret it. I use this product after washing my face at night. I spray it two times into my hands (so I don't waste the product) and then pat it on my face, I also use it on those unsightly bumps I get on my arms. It used to be really bad, but after using this product every night (2 sprays in my hand for each arm) they've almost completely disappeared. :D LOVE this stuff!!! Try it out and let me know what you think!!
Most of us use our handy dandy waterproof mascaras for everyday...well, I do haha, so I wanted a remover that was really going to work. I tried the AVON 'moisture effective eye makeup remover lotion' (about $4) for a while and although it did work, I wanted to try things that weren't 'lotion like'. The product comes in a little white flip top container or 2 fl. oz.
After trying this product, I decided...hmm...maybe I need something more...SO I purchased a sample size of Clean and Clear ® Soothing eye makeup remover that claims to be oil free.
I was really excited about this product, maybe because the packaging was so darn cute. This product has a has a screw off top which might not be a good idea if you are accident pron. Anyways, this stuff wasn't horrible, but it just didn't take my mascara completely off. Here’s an example of how this product worked in my makeup removal routine. 1. Remove eye makeup. 2. Remove face makeup. 3. Remove eye make up again. 4. Apply eye cream and still try and get rid of eye makeup. GRRR!!. See the stuff just wouldn’t come off with this make up remover. SO...I heard Neutrogena had a really good eye makeup remover, but when I went to Wal-Mart I noticed they had the dupe for it by Equate and bought it. It’s called Equate ® Oil Free Eye Makeup Remover.
The product is 5.5 fl oz and was about $4.The packaging is similar to the Neutrogena one and has a screw off top, which I don't really prefer, but... I really like this product. The first time I used it I thought I put too much of in on my cotton ball, but I really didn’t. I say this because the cotton ball felt cold and really wet and the product literally just came right off. I didn’t have to rub like crazy like I did with the Clean and Clear®, and it removes the mascara, and eye shadow, and brow product all in like a sweep or the wrist. So...If I had to recommend eye makeup remover Id tell you to get the Equate® one, or if you like the lotion feel, the AVON remover. :D
Hello Hello, Names Vicky. I like to spend money on the good stuff in life that makes me and others around me smile. I'm a pretty creative lil sucker who loves to shop, loves makeup and making stuff with my hands...hence the stamping.